How do you get to the Super Bowl™, or if you prefer The Big Game™? (Yup, both of those phrases are trademarked). One way is through hard work, a dedication to your sport and determination to take your team all the way. The other way is money, lots of it. Right now, a quick check on StubHub shows ticket prices ranging from $1,625 for a ticket in the nosebleeds to $323,538 for a luxury suite. Want to get as close to the action as you can? That will set you back $5 – 6,000 per ticket*. Oddly enough, many of these prices are down $100 from Saturday, according to SB Nation. So, what are some other ways an enterprising and thrifty football fan gets one of these Golden Tickets?
CraigsList – If you’re willing to take a risk, sellers on CraigsList in New Orleans are selling Super Bowl tickets at prices from $1,000 on up. Of course, it’s important to check further into these deals before you start giving out your credit card or Paypal info, or agree to meet a stranger in a dark alley with a wad of cash in your pocket.
Know Somebody – The NFL distributes a large percentage of Super Bowl tickets to the competing teams. These are used for employees, family members, corporate sponsors, charities and other fans affiliated with the teams. According to Ryan Guiana in, this percentage is about 75% total. If you happen to know someone who works for one of the competing teams (or any NFL team, they all get some of the tickets) – and this person owes you a HUGE favor – It might just be your ticket in. Of course, odds of that happening are like winning the lottery. Speaking of lottery…
NFL Ticket Lottery – Every year, the NFL holds a lottery of Super Bowl tickets that are given out to fans. It’s too late to get in on the action for this Super Bowl, but you can throw your hat in the ring for Super Bowl 2014. More details can be found on this article.
Get a Job at the Stadium – The Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans, LA is currently looking for part time Field Crew members. You can send in an application, and hope that you can get hired, trained and on the field in the next couple of days. All of the stadium job details are found here.
*Of course, for the same amount of money you can put together a nice home theater system that puts you right in the thick of the action. Add some high quality home theater seats and you have the location for an awesome Super Bowl party! The best part? You can enjoy your home theater year round!
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